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5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues

The Holidays are long gone, the weather is dreary, cold, and snowy here in the midwest. This time of year can be a struggle for me to get motivated and feel good, so these small shifts in routine can combat the seasonal change. Hope this serves as inspiration for you too!

GET MOVING – Move at least 30 minutes a day. This small change has made a big impact for me, I need to move to feel better and therefore I am a better mom and wife. Physical activity can mean going to the gym, going on a walk outdoors, or doing an at-home workout. I personally have been doing at-home workouts and I like to use Tone-It-Up for free circuit daily exercises and I also like to do beachbody.

SET ALARM 30-60min EARLIER – I am trying really hard to do this in the morning. This can support PRODUCTIVITY,  WORKING OUT, and/or STRESS. For me, I feel better when I wake up before my kids to get ready or to  just have a moment to myself, drink coffee, to meditate or slowly wake up. This creates less stress in the morning so I’m not running around like a crazy lady when my kids wake up. 

GET OUTDOORS! Fresh air is good for the mind, body, and soul. Even though it is frigid this time of year, getting outside can really change your mood! If you have kids and live in a climate with snow, this is a great motivation to do winter activities, such as sledding, building a snowman, ice skating, winter sports like skiing/snowboarding, or going on a walk.

DIFFUSE & GET COZY! Diffusing your favorite essential oil(s) can instanting change your mood and atmosphere in your home! While diffusing your oils, get cozy under a blanket to read a book, drink hot cocoa, or play a boardgame by the fire! I LOVE diffusing essential oils in our home, there have been  so many benefits for me personally and for my family, if you’re interested in getting oils and joining my community, click here. 

BOOK A VACATION OR STAYCATION!  Having plans set on your calendar can be a great lift and motivator this time of year as it can give you something to look forward to! For us, we are booking travel plans to go to Florida to have fun and take a break from the winter weather! Also, making a staycation can be just as beneficial, such as, going ice skating, attending a concert/play, or making reservations for a restaurant you always wanted to go to! Checking out your local activities online is a great resource!

xo, Shannon

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