Lifestyle Wellness

My Gratitude Checklist

I’m a list person. It’s how I get through my day and how I meet my goals. I don’t stop to think about what I’m grateful for enough, so lately this has been a goal of mine and this past year I am doing just that. If you need to pause and do the same, feel free to use my Gratitude Checklist.

Personal: While plans to read more during the pandemic never happened, I’m very grateful for my family being together and learning more about ourselves and each other being home. This is time we won’t get back and I fully intend to view it that way although there are times it can drive me crazy lol. Not having a bunch of plans, kid’s activities, or a bunch of items on our schedule has been NICE in a way these last nine months. I’ve been striving to be more PRESENT + GRATEFUL + PATIENT. I’m striving to do this daily, it’s not always easy, but the action items that have helped me get there are:

  • Setting a schedule for the day and trying to stick to it, setting a time to check and reply to emails/messages
  • Doing grocery store pickup – game changer on time and not havving to take my kids into the grocery store!
  • Putting my phone down when playing with my kids
  • Writing in this Gratitude Journal
  • Making time for movement (a walk with the stroller or body pump strength class, just doing something!) – improves my mood and physical wellbeing
  • Making selfcare a priority – aka alone time for myself to give my mind and body time to rest or do something I enjoy!
  • Rubbing a drop of White Angelica or Peace & Calming YL essential oils in my hands and taking 3 deeps inhales and exhales – this eases any tension or stress and makes me content

Professional: There is much to be thankful this year for the “jobs” I love to do along side being a SAHM, which is my top priority. My creative outlet is this blog, but my biggest professional growth this year has been my Young Living Business. Using YL oils + products has made such a difference in my family’s life, I had to share our experience with others! I’m SO grateful to be supporting 100+ families who have said yes to bringing wellness + clean products into their homes. For my team of leaders and the members we serve, I’m so proud to be apart of our community! If you’re curious about becoming a member of Young Living, join our community here!

Health: I’m thankful for the good health I have and I’m thankful for the health of my parents, relatives, and friends. We take supplements, eat pretty healthy, try to get good sleep, but with two kids at home and no gym to go to during this pandemic, my husband and I sought to bring the gym to us! We decided to buy our own bar and weight set. I’m not a bike person so getting the Peloton like many others have done during the pandemic didn’t interest me. I used to go to Les Mills Body Pump classes at the gym and loved the results with the equipment used during the sessions, so I convinced my husband we needed our own set and we took the plunge and bought their equipment! It didn’t take too long to arrive and we both LOVE doing the classes at home! You can find the bar and weight set we use here!

Looking at my Personal, Professional, and Health Checklist, I have SO much gratitude for all that I am striving towards in these categories and my life, it’s purpose, and well-being. It has NOT been easy, there have been ups and downs as in everyone else’s life that you don’t see and it’s not perfect, but reflecting on what we can be grateful for is important for our perspective on life, what we have, and hope to accomplish.

Xo, Shannon

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